Timeline: the most important events that Egypt witnessed throughout history

Chronology of major events in Egypt

About 7000 BC

Settlement begins in the Nile Valley.

Around 3000 BC

Unification of the kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt. Successive dynasties witnessed a thriving trade and the development of cultural traditions, the most important of which was writing and calligraphy in the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic language.

Around 2500 BC

Building the pyramids, which express a tremendous engineering achievement.

669 BC

The Assyrians from Mesopotamia conquer and rule Egypt.

525 BC

Persian conquest.

332 BC

Alexander the Great, from ancient Macedonia, conquers Egypt and establishes Alexandria, and the Macedonian dynasty ruled until 31 BC.

31 BC

Grate fall under Roman rule; And Queen Cleopatra commits suicide after the Octavian armies defeated her forces.

642 AD

Arab conquest of Egypt.

969 AD

Establishing Cairo as the capital.


The Mamluks (slave soldiers) ruled, their era marked by prosperity and the establishment of organized civil institutions.


Egypt absorbed under the Turkish Ottoman Empire.


Napoleon Bonaparte’s forces invade Egypt, and the British and Turks repel it in 1801. Egypt once again becomes part of the Ottoman Empire.


The construction of the Suez Canal.


British forces control Egypt.


Declaring Egypt a British protectorate.


King Fuad I becomes King of Egypt and gains its independence.


Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood.

1936 – April

Farouk succeeds his father as king of Egypt.


Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Syria enter the first war with Israel.

1949 February

The assassination of Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood.


Formation of the Free Officers Movement.

1952 January

At least 20 people were killed in anti-British riots in Cairo.


King Farouk abdicates in favor of his son Fuad II.


Gamal Abdel Nasser leads a coup by the Free Officers Movement, which has since become known as the July 23 Revolution, which brought Muhammad Naguib to the position of President and Prime Minister of Egypt.

Declaration of the Republic

1953 June

Mohamed Naguib declares Egypt a republic.


Abdel Nasser becomes prime minister and later, in 1956, president.


Gamal Abdel Nasser leads a coup by the Free Officers Movement, which has since become known as the July 23 Revolution, which brought Muhammad Naguib to the position of President and Prime Minister of Egypt.


Signing the evacuation treaty, British forces begin a gradual withdrawal.

1956 July

Abdel Nasser nationalizes the Suez Canal to finance the Aswan High Dam.

1956 October

Triple invasion of Egypt by Britain, France and Israel due to the nationalization of the Suez Canal. And then the declaration of a cease-fire in November.

1958 February

Egypt and Syria form the United Arab Republic as a first step towards Arab unity.


Syria withdraws from the union, but Egypt retains the name of the United Arab Republic.

1965 March

King Farouk dies in Rome.